How well do you know about Milk Lotion?
Answer the quiz and receive complimentary samples!
Tell us how much you know about ALBION Milk Lotion and receive complimentary Milk Book samples!
Three “Milk First” Rules
for Visible Results
01. Milk Lotion comes first
Apply Milk Lotion immediately after face wash for best results. This instantly restores skin to its best moisture balance. A fully moisturized skin can improve its visible translucency. The skin is also made to be more receptive to hydration and whitening ingredients, leading to faster, more satisfactory result.
Step 1
Removes dead skin cells and impurities on the surface of the skin and in pores, keeping the skin clean and clear.
Step 2
(Milk Lotion)
Creates an optimal moisture balance in the outer layer of the skin, leaving it soft and supple.
Step 3
Refreshes and tightens the skin to refine the skin texture.
Step 4
(Serum or Cream Moisturiser)
Helps the skin to maintain a youthful and radiant complexion.
02. Usage amount
Use 3 pumps of Milk Lotion

For faster visible results, use three pumps, which is the amount required for the product to moisturize from the surface of the skin down through the whole stratum corneum.
03. Use of cotton
Apply with a cotton pad

Holding the cotton pad correctly, and learning how best to apply products to the face, is another key to suppple and translucent skin.
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